NY Giants Player Trumaine Mc Bride tells his secrets

1.) • Do you have any pregame rituals? I don’t have any pregame rituals. I just like to being to myself and listening to music to get me into a zone.

2.)• How do you stay hydrated before and during a game? Typically I drink water, Gatorade & Pedialyte. I’m probably not the best person to talk to about hydration. I left two games this season because of hydration issues

3.)• If you would tell a kid NEVER EAT……. What would it be and why? Never eat Chocolate covered crickets! This stuff actually exist! I saw it in a store for the first time a while back. I’ll never try these!

4.)• What is your favorite game day meal? My favorite game day meal depends on what time the game starts. If it’s an early game, i like to eat oatmeal w/ brown sugar and strawberries & an egg white omelet. If it’s a later game, I prefer to eat pasta w/ marina sauce, steamed broccoli, bbq chicken breast & a plain baked potato

Do you have any funny superstitions? I’m not superstitious.

5.)• What is your favorite way to spend players day off? I enjoy spending time with my wife and son on my day off. My son will
typically have us at chuck e cheese or Target. He associates Target with toys, video games, & ICEEs lol.

6.)• Would you let your “son” play football? I would let my son play football & any other sport that interests him.

7.)• What inspires lifts or moves you? My wife and son inspire me to be the best I can be!

8.)• Do you have a major life shifting moment yet? I haven’t had a major life shifting moment

9.)• What is the best part of playing pro, and what is the worst part? The best part of being in the NFL is simply the fact that I get to earn a living playing football. I get to make good money doing a job that I have loved since I was a child. The worst part is the politics and business side of the NFL. Nothing is really guaranteed. You can here today and gone tomorrow.

10.)• If you were not a Pro player what would you have become? if I wasn’t in the NFL I’d be an accountant

11.)• What is your favorite word? I don’t have a favorite word. My friends would probably say my favorite word is “bruh”. I guess I use it a lot. *shrugs*