PYFS Trainee of the Month

Morghan Ansley!!!

Morghan Ansley

Springfield, MO and surrounding area

Pure Hot Yoga Studio

PYFS at Drury University for Men’s Basketball

Goal for the Year – Teach 3 new sports teams / Buy into Studio

      My name is Morghan. I am 35, have two amazing huskies, and a solid partner to come home to. My family and friends are the foundations of my life, and I would not be where I am without their support. I have been a yoga practitioner for 8+ years, and am currently in my 4th year of teaching. I love what I do, and am a constant student of myself, as well as the practice of Yoga.

As a kid, I was active in multiple sports. Where I thrived was soccer and track, specifically running in general. I ran for years in meets, marathons, and events. Not just because I excelled, but because I could. Stretching was a waste of time, my ego and patience didn’t need it, therefore I didn’t do it. I’d rather run an extra two miles, than stretch for ten minutes. I didn’t take off days, I ran thru any type of minor pain, because nothing was going to keep me from what I loved to do. At the young age of 26, I suffered the consequences, and ended up having a major hip surgery.

Yoga for Athletes. “It’s not about being good at something, it’s about being good to yourself.” My goal as a teacher is not to turn athletes into Yogis. My goal is to enhance an athlete’s performance through strength and flexibility to increase their power, and understanding of why yoga is so important for each individual player. I will continue to teach sessions by creating functional strength with practicing strength building poses to aide in injury prevention, agility gains, mobility work, quick movements, power, patience, and how to breathe. Athletes will learn long deep holds to increase flexibility, range of motion, mental toughness, and work towards correcting any imbalances of the body common with one side dominance in sports. Most athletes are incredible tight, with limited allotted training time for stretching. The classes I teach and intend to continue for Yoga for Athletes provide a specific time and place each week for athletes to hold themselves accountable, with a combination of strengthening and stretching poses catered towards common sport activity movements.  The expectation is that this is not your typical yoga class. Athletes will learn balance to find the ability to  move and control their bodies more efficiently and breath work to not only increase lung capacity for long games and practices but to maintain a sense of calm in difficult situations found on and off the field of play. I will continue to learn, study, practice and lead to grow as a student and teacher, so that I can better cater my student base.

I do not beat myself anymore about my injury, because it brought me to my practice. It also is the very heart of why it is so important for myself as a yoga teacher to express the importance of adding stretching regimes to an athlete’s plate. For as long as I can, to as many people as I can teach, I will expand my knowledge to my athletic community and beyond.